Why create one more blog, when I do not regulary post on the other two? Well, why not? I like taking pictures. That does not mean I am very good at that. Cataracts in my eyes prevent me seeing the camera display clearly when I am in open or in broad daylight, which of course does not help. (Ironically, I felt most helpless due to it while taking pictures of Niagara Falls from the boat ride - at the sight of the greatest Cataracts. It will be digression from the topic, but one more irony struck me when I saw drinking water at an exorbitant price there - at a place where 20% of the world's fresh water flows. Enough of ironies for now!).
Having said that, in last few days I visited some wonderful places - places you have to experience. Their photos is the closest I can get to describe; trying to describe them in words is beyond me.(How can you describe indescribable?). The other reason for starting this blog is a way of storing them.(I wish I had posted all the pictures that I took at my native place. I lost them forever when my laptop was stolen.)Of course there are hundreds of sites that offer this facility, but somehow I would prefer to have them along with my other blogs. After all, blogs are for narrating one's experiences and thoughts - in words or otherwise.